Saturday, November 29, 2008
i bet all of you are so so excited for the 8thdec outing LOL!
anws, heres some kind reminders on wad to bring:
water- some snacks ( halah)
money ( enough for you to eat lunch or sth)
- ball
- badminton racket ( if you want to play)
- cards like uno?
i mean like i dont support pokers arh, DONT SUPPORT
not cannot bring arh,
coz later if theres police on patrol then bless you LOL
ezlink ( if you know you have to travel by bus etc to there)
- any games or ideas that alot of ppl can play together :D
- fire works? ( if you happened to have and you are not using it)
yeah, so the reason we are having it till 8 pm
is bascially coz there will most likely be some fire works playing lah,
so if you have to leave early, it will be your lost,
but not forcing you arh!
* takes knives out* LOLS
ok, and heres some hints/ warning :D
1 )
PLS DONT BE LATEcoz obviously, there will be games prepared and
if you are late me and dap will dont do wad to you you know,,,
* takes knives out once again*HAHAS, thats a joke dont worry :D
* takes chain saw out* HAHA!
jkjk -,- its becoming lamer LOLS
NO LAH, its coz we will arrange you into groups etc, so dont be late arh!
Know the area there well, :DDD
ohhohoho! you dunno wad we gonna do HAHAS!
no lah, just so kind, you know, so that you wont get lost :DDDD
wakakas! >:D
thats abt all? ok
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
2:01 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
YO GUYS! wads up! LOL. daphne here anyway. well, how're you guys doing? lol, okay, cut the crap. ahem ahem, *clears throat, im here to tell you more about the GATHERING!!!! TADA! okay, i guess you all know about it already, zhenyun got post b4 ma. aiya, but here is to confirm the details la! :D 99% confirmed details, if got any changes, we will inform asap. okay, here goes! DATE: 8 DECEMBER 2008 MONDAYVENUE: KENT'S VOID DECK/BADMINTON COURT THERETIME: 10AM TO 8PMTransportation: if any of you dunno how to go to kent's house there, kind kind zhenyun have arranged to meet you guys at erm, pending lrt, at 9.45am :D i know 10am is perhaps too early, but then yeah, must cherish our times together ma. hahha! so if anyone like oversleep or sth, nvm, just come later! dont totally dont come! yup, and perhaps zhenyun will only wait until like 9.55am (you should be there by 9.45 alr wad), then if you havent come then she go, if not she have to wait the whole day meh? but if you really late and dunno how to come, NVM! DONT WORRY! CAUSE YOU HAVE 6L! THE KIND AND HELPFUL 6L! yeah, so just call anyone of us and say where you are and then we direct you la. of course dont be at like cck and ask us to go and fetch you. -.-
yup, and wad we will be doing there is just basically playing. oh yeah, wanna ask you all whether you all wanna erm, we plan for you A FEW or you just anyhow free free go and play? cause if we plan then you all say too lame too childish too stupid or dunno wad. hhahyeah, and erm, theres a basketball court there and badminton court, so if the courts are free and empty, then you all can play, but must bring own rackets and own shuttlecocks, and own basketballs. yeah, and then, perhaps the girls, will play murderer, so we will be bringing UNO. and if possible, poker cards, of course dont play money la. unless you wanna get caught by police. but i think not so sway one la, so if you want, esp the guys, just play secretly with money lor. mm hmm, and well, we can catch up with each other, which i doubt the guys would, but we girls can la.. lol, then the guys can continue playing. and erm, lunch and dinner maybe you all can go to the nearby kopitiam there and eat. (if you want, you can bring snacks!) mm hmm. if one person generous enough he/she can order pizza for us. LOL! kidding kidding, but if have $$ then can la! :D yeah i guess thats all. right now those people really really confirm going one is erm, zhenyun, hwaimun, shiyang, kahwei, and yiling. kent should be going cause erm, we are using his void deck. -.- there are some other guys going too, so guys dont say no guys go! okay?!? NOTE: PLEASE DONT SEPARATE INTO GIRLS ONE GROUP BOYS ONE GROUP! cause its really depressing man! we as a ahem ahem united class, should not be like that! cannot! we must interact!!! and must talk!! cannot only communicate by EH EH like that! can ah! :D must be open! we good friends for 3 years already leh!! amazing right? 3 years leh. so touching! wouldnt want to lose you all :( aiya, but well, cherish our times together okay? haha, cheese! anyway, any questions post on the class tagboard! :D and erm, those people not confirmed one, please write on the tagboard whether you can or cannot go! haha, shall get going! see you soon! byes!
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
6:34 PM
Monday, November 24, 2008
new update,maybe we abandon the movie trip
so that you guys can save for hwaimun's movie trip :D
erm, we( me and dap)
are looking for sponser of houses LOL!
we wont go your house lah, use toilet only :DDDD
so we will maybe go to that person's void deck, then we play loh!
this time me and dap planning games lah,
so you guys shd not be bored,
like treasure hunting?
or sth lah, so yeah :DDD
oh yes, i looking for
planners also,
daphne, hwaimun,
then date shall be 8 dec :DDDcoz someone told me its a monday, then sunday is a family day,
so, lets make it saturday,
6 dec!!!~ xD
ok, lets go back to
8 dec :D
i will update if theres any changes :D
so look out often in this bloggie~~
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
10:06 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
ok, as i said, i am working on new outing xD
so yeah,
how abt a movie? xDDD
bolt ;DDD
For super-dog BOLT (voice of John Travolta), every day is filled with adventure, danger and intrigue - at least until the cameras stop rolling. When the star of a hit TV show is accidentally shipped from his Hollywood soundstage to New York City, he begins his biggest adventure yet - a cross-country journey through the real world. Armed only with the delusions that all his amazing feats and powers are real, and with the help of two unlikely traveling companions: a jaded, abandoned housecat named Mittens (voice of Susie Essman) and a TV-obsessed hamster in a plastic ball named Rhino, Bolt discovers he doesn't need superpowers to be a hero.
or sth else? coz hwaimun is gonna have another movie trip for twilight :D
so yeah, idk wad to do,
if you like going for bolt,
pls name where you feel like going to watch it :DDD
the date to watch will most likely be like 8 dec? xD
or sth lah, pls decide :D
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
10:53 PM
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Informations :D
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Release Date:
13th November 2008
Running Time:
89 mins
Animated / Comedy
Movie Plot:
When New York Zoo Animals Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman the Giraffe and Gloria the Hippo finally leave Madagascar, they find themselves instead stuck in the wilderness of Africa. There, Alex connects with his roots when he meets the rest of his family, but has trouble communicating with them after spending most of his life at the Central Park Zoo.
Twilight (2008)Release Date:
18th December 2008
Romance / Horror / Action
Movie Plot:
When Bella's mother remarries and sends her to live with her father in the little town of Forks, Washington, she meets the mysterious and dazzlingly beautiful Edward Cullen - a boy unlike any she's ever met. Intelligent and witty, he sees straight into her soul. Soon, Bella and Edward are swept up in a passionate and decidedly unorthodox romance, for Edward is a vampire. But he doesn't have fangs, and he doesn't drink human blood, as Edward and his family are unique among vampires in their lifestyle choice. To Edward, Bella is that thing he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate. But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist the primal pull of her scent, which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy.
thats almost all the information i got from yahoo.
anws, since one is in dec, one is in nov,
how abt
two outings?!
but yeah, i am waiting for ppl to organise
if anyone who wants to volunteer, you may ask for the username and password of mine,
to post here, since i am like buddied to this blog ;D
so yeah, of course, dont do anything funny to my blog, thnx :D
p.s congrats to us for hitting 4000 whether or not if its by many times of refleshes :D
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
9:20 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
hahas, hello peeps,
i shall make this a short, cute and sweet post :D
someone pls plan another outing~~
i have suggestion :D
1) twilight
2) ma-da-des-ka.
wakakas, :DD
happy thinking
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
10:09 PM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The last pic shows syafiq crying~(tears of victory)
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
9:22 AM
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
ok, firstly, apologise for my super late post ><
i think some of you waiting for my photos to post eh?
but, seriously, i dont have much...
maybe the BEST photo is the girls, tgt in the bus one,
the rest are like..
random pics of me taking the sea etc.
kkays, nvm
i just post the pictures here,
feel free to take it if you are in the photo,
do not use the photos for any stupid jokes or teasing.
thank you
its copy righted hor!
~ end of my speech LOL~
Date: 2nd November2008.
the fateful day of 6L outing,
Venue: East Coast Park :]
Its the East coast parky :D
in a sunny yellow banana day xD
but the guy very extra -,-.
nvm hahas.
People camp there :D
so theres tents EVERY WHERE
so cool right?
know where ot go when you are homeless alrdy?
AHHH! the beach ( wadever) LOL,
so nice :D
So nice that our dear fren here is...?!?!
commting sucide?! LOL!
jk lah, shes alive dont worry ;]
shes just...?!?
walking towards the sea lah! LOL
and playing with water ;D
info: its priscilla there xD
priscilla's art :D
lols, and my stick,
not mine,
but i found it xD
nice? :DDDD

LOLS, guess who drew this?
Hint: it says : " 6L rock!"
sorry i am long winded,
cant simplify it like priscilla did xD
this is photo after lunch xD,
our dear dear girls playing with water once again!
ok, seriously, i felt sorry for the guys, since i kept taking photos of the girls,
so i took this LOL,
but yeah,
the tree is soo nice :D
so nice and big that i think the guys are like blocked LOL
the picutre sooo, nature LOL
anws, look out!
the sky! AHH!
so yeah, soon, drops of drizzle, dropped LOL,
and guess wad are the guys doing?!
me and dap go ask them, to go where for wet weather xD,
and the girls go change hahas,
see! girls are so much more matured LOL,
no offence~~ :P
see! they dont listen, then the rain became bigger,
so we have to use umbrella
daphne lent yongli and haohan hers,
she share with me ;D
look at them!
the green and light blue guy,
its yongli and haohan.
the first thing that comes to your mind is,
hao han is almost like as tall as yongli liao?!
and the second thing is that.
and the poor black coloured guy is yeewei.
he dont have umbrella xD
at the end of the day,
our tired and shy girls,
at the bus stop :D
the guys got fast reactiong lah,
then i cant really get a photo xD
ok, i shall end this post with the 6L girls group photo :D
can find me?
if you can, i think you better go for a eye check up LOL.
and poor joey is covered. xD
ok, tatas!
6Loyalty2ohoh7 ღ.ღ ;
2:49 PM